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Fight with us for your digital data rights and income
MUOOLA Users Bill of Rights
Our objective is to prioritize the protection of your ownership rights over your personal data, recognizing its significance as your valuable asset.
We ensabsolute control over their data, with freedom to control how, what, and when it is used! ure equitable revenue distribution, with the majority of it being directed towards users. Our core mission is to generate ongoing income opportunities for users through the Muoola Vault, while granting users
MUOOLA's Social Goals
Wealth Redistribution: We are committed to shifting wealth from affluent sectors to support those in need. Why should the billionaires continue to make billions by selling your data? They should not is the answer, and with Muoola we provide ethical advertisers with better customers engagement, and an option to use their advertising dollars to improve the lives of their customers not billionaires.
Empowering Low-Income Families: 1% of the revenue from companies in the data broker and digital advertising industries is worth approximately $4.7 billion per year. Imagine the impact on the 11 million students in higher education with student loans or the millions of low income families in the US dependent on welfare programs. Muoola will provide a new stream of income to support these and other low-income groups.
Data for Good: Non profit organizations often need research data to improve what they do, but usually the cost of access to data is prohibitive for a non-profit organization to buy. We are enabling users to volunteer their data to contribute positively to societal causes through Muoola.
Supporting Education and Research: We understand that the cost of access to research data slows progress, especially in medical research. Muoola is committed to assisting universities and research teams by connecting them for free with users that they need to accelerate their research work.
Data Awareness and Empowerment: Education changes societies so we are investing to helping kids understand and actively utilize the power of their personal data in school.
Cooperative Partnership with Users: We are committed on operating Muoola as a cooperative with our users, rather than operating as a traditional corporate entity.
MUOOLA's Privacy Bill of Rights
You own your personal information & content.
We do not manipulate, filter, or change the data you have stored in your Muoola Vault. Only you can do that.
Permissions & privacy are your rights. You control them.
You control who can access your content.
We never share who you are with companies, only you can do that.
We do not sell your personal information to anyone.
Your face is your business. We do not use facial recognition technology.
You have the right to delete your account and take your content with you at any time.
Only you can access your Muoola Vault. If you lose your password we won't be able to reset it for you. This is for your data security.
Muoola does not have any other income streams related to selling user data.